Welcome to the Live Blogging of the 2007 Whitney Awards!

Welcome to the Whitney Awards! If you are not familiar with how blogs work, the 'beginning' is at the bottom of the screen. So, scroll down to the bottom, start reading, and enjoy!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rob gets a standing ovation

Kerry Blair makes sure that Robison Wells gets his recognition for all the work and the bizillion hours he has put into the Whitney awards. Seriously, Rob. This is awesome. Truly awesome.


Julie K said...

Rob deserves a standing ovation, but since i'm miles away in my sweats, i will sit and applaud him. These awards are a great thing, and we have to keep them going and going and going! (So Betsy can win next year! Rock on! :-))

Karlene said...

This was really an amazing awards program. Rob and his committee did great work. Thanks so much.